Home Unpublished Shape Wars

Shape Wars

The spikes versus the spheres —
Topological gang war:
Fosse gone micro, each upturned fang tor
Piles the molecular where it rears.

The warring states of goniometry
Relentless in contiguous walls enclose
Coil and spar; all orifice and grommet, we
Wander through the warfare in a doze.

Their surfaces eat our surface
In this geometry competitive
Of labyrinths to which the light refers us,
Bewildered by simplicity turned recursive,
And staggered by the predatory repetitive.

Snail radula – Snails scrape plant tissue into their mouths using a flexible file-like organ called the radula. It is a muscular ribbon embedded with hard denticles that are replaced as they are worn away. The image above shows a snail radula magnified 2500 times in a scanning electron microscope photograph, taken and false colored in Photoshop by David Spears FRPS FRMS. (Used with permission)

Fosse – A ditch; especially, a moat around a fortification. Fosse gone micro suggests the anatomical term “fossa” (plural “fossae”) meaning a hollow or depression as in a bone.

Tor – A high rock or pile of rocks on the top of a hill.

Goniometry – (Pronounced go-nee-OM-a-tree) The measurement of angles.